History window

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

Use this window to monitor pair tasks performed on pairs consisting of P-VOLs and S-VOLs allocated to you.

Setting fields



Copy Type

The pair type.


  • SI: SI
  • TI: HTI
  • (VSP 5000 series) SIMF: SIz
  • (VSP 5000 series) FCv2/FCSE: Compatible FlashCopy® V2 and Compatible FlashCopy® SE

SI or SIz History table

The following table describes the items in the History table. Only the tasks that are completed for the pairs consisting of the P-VOL or S-VOLs to which you are allocated are shown.

VSP 5000 series: This window shows up to 16,384 of the latest user tasks for each page, and up to 1,024,000 of the latest user tasks are retained in the storage system.

VSP E series: This window shows a maximum of 8,192 most recent operation histories.




The operation date and time.

Primary Volume

The P-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The P-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • Provisioning type: The P-VOL's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume
    • (VSP 5000 series) External MF: Migration volume, which is only displayed for SIz pairs.

Secondary Volume

The S-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The S-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • Provisioning type: The S-VOL's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume

Description Code

The code for the type of operation performed.


The description of the operation.

Export button

Click to open a dialog for downloading table information to a tab-separated values (TSV) file.

HTI History table

The following table describes the items in the HTI History table. Only tasks performed on the pairs consisting of the P-VOL or S-VOLs to which you are allocated are shown.

VSP 5000 series: This window shows up to 16,384 of the latest user tasks for each page, and up to 1,024,000 of the latest user tasks are retained in the storage system.

VSP E series: This window shows a maximum of 8,192 most recent operation histories.



Date and Time

The date and time the operation was performed.

Primary Volume

The P-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The P-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • Provisioning type: The P-VOL's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume

Secondary Volume

The S-VOL information.


  • LDEV ID: The S-VOL's LDEV identifier.
  • Provisioning type: The S-VOL's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • Snapshot: Thin Image volume

Mirror Unit

The mirror unit number.

Pool ID

The pool identifier.

Diff Compare Volume The LDEV ID of the diff compare volume for Diff Clone copy operation used in a VASA environment.

Description Code

The code for the type of operation performed.


The description of the operation performed. For details on displayed words, refer to Hitachi Thin Image User Guide.

Export button

Click to open a dialog for downloading table information to a tab-separated values (TSV) file.

Compatible FlashCopy® V2 or Hitachi Compatible Software for IBM® FlashCopy® SE history table (VSP 5000 series)

The following table describes the items in the FC History table. Only tasks performed on the pairs consisting of the P-VOL or S-VOLs to which you are allocated are shown. This window shows up to 16,384 of the latest user tasks for each page, and up to 1,024,000 of the latest user tasks are retained in a storage system.



Date and Time

The date and time the operation was performed.

Source Volume

The source volume information.


  • LDEV ID: The source volume's LDEV identifier.
  • Provisioning type: The source volume's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume

Target Volume

The target volume information.


  • LDEV ID: The target volume's LDEV identifier.
  • Provisioning type: The target volume's provisioning type, which can be one of the following:
    • Basic: Internal volume
    • DP: DP-VOL
    • External: External volume

Relationship ID

The relationship identifier.

Description Code

The code for the type of operation performed.


The description of the operation performed. For details about displayed words, see the Hitachi Compatible FlashCopy/FlashCopy SE User Guide.

Export button

Click to open a dialog for downloading table information to a tab-separated values (TSV) file.