Viewing pair information for local replication

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

You can view pair information for local replication in the Replication window and in the summary section of the Local Replication window in HDvM - SN. These windows show information such as the number of pairs in the storage system.

Note: If the information in the summary section is not up to date, the system has not completed processing the information. Click the refresh icon to refresh the information in the window.

In CCI, use the pairdisplay command.

  1. In the Explorer pane, click Storage Systems, expand the storage system tree, and then click Replication.
  2. The Replica LDEVs tab in the Replication window shows a list of LDEVs. From this window, you can perform the following tasks:
    • Click the LDEV ID for a specific replica LDEV and open the LDEV Properties window.
    • View information for a list of replica LDEVs for the selected LDEV.