Monitoring ShadowImage pair activity and status

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

You can monitor the status of SI pairs using HDvM - SN.

The status of pairs displayed by HDvM - SN changes as the pair status changes in the storage system. The displayed state is refreshed by HDvM - SN automatically. To manually refresh the HDvM - SN information, click the refresh icon.

Note: Unpaired P-VOLs and S-VOLs are not shown in HDvM - SN.
  • You must have Storage Administrator (Local Copy) role.
  • In CCI, use the pairdisplay command.
  1. In the Explorer pane, click Storage Systems, expand the storage system tree, and then click Replication > Local Replication.
  2. In the Local Replication window, select the SI Pairs tab.
  3. In the summary section of the Local Replication page, view license information.
    If the information in the window is not up to date, click the refresh icon to refresh the information in the window.
  4. On the SI Pairs tab, locate the pair whose status you want to review, and then check the Status column.
    HDvM - SN and the CCI pair status names are shown in the Status column in the format of HDvM - SN status/CCI status, unless the names are the same. If they are the same, only the HDvM - SN status is displayed. For more information about the items on this tab, see Monitoring ShadowImage pair and volume details.
  5. (Optional) Click More Actions > View Pair Properties to view more details for a selected pair.