Pair splitting methods

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

By default, for pair split (Non Split, Steady Split, or Quick Split), the maximum multiple copy processing for each pair is set to 24. However, if you set the Quick/Steady Split Multiplexing option of the local replica option to OFF, the multiplicity can be changed to 1. Make sure to set the Quick/Steady Split Multiplexing option to OFF if the host I/O performance is prioritized. The local replica options can be set using HDvM - SN or CCI.

You can use one of the following methods to split pairs:




Non Split


Pairs are not split after they are created.

Steady Split

paircreate –split -fq normal

When copy of all differential data completes, the pairs are split.

Quick Split

paircreate –split -fq quick

Pairs are split immediately after pair split is specified. Use this method if you want to read or write data of the S-VOL immediately after pair split is specified. Remaining differential data is copied to the S-VOL in background after the split.


paircreate –g <group> -m grp [CTG ID]

Split all pairs in a consistency group at one time. CCI is required for this operation. For details, see the Command Control Interface User and Reference Guide.