Local replica options

ShadowImage User Guide

Part Number

The local replica options provide additional settings to enable you to tailor your local replication environment to your specific operating requirements. The local replica options include the Copy Threshold option that your service representative can set and the options that you can set.

Copy Threshold option

The Copy Threshold option temporarily stops copy operations when the workload of the storage system is high to prevent degradation of host I/O performance. When this option is enabled, the following copy operations are stopped:

  • ShadowImage
  • Thin Image
  • Volume Migration
  • ShadowImage for Mainframe
  • Compatible FlashCopy® V2

When you want to enable and disable the Copy Threshold option, contact your service representative.

Other local replica options

The following table lists and describes the local replica options that you can set by using Device Manager - Storage Navigator or CCI.

Note the following when you use the Quick/Steady Split Multiplexing, Reverse Copy Multiplexing, and Normal Resync Multiplexing options:

  • The increase in copy volume increases the amount of data to be written to the target volume.
  • If the parity group performance is less than the pair split or resync performance, the amount of data waiting to be written to cache memory (write pending ratio) may increase until it exceeds 60%, and the copy processing might be placed in the wait state. In such a case, consider the copy order to reduce the number of pairs for which copy processing is executed concurrently for volumes provisioned by the same parity group.
  • If the number of volumes to be resynchronized or split increases, the maximum number of jobs for pair split or resynchronization that can execute concurrently for a pair decreases. In this case, when you split or resynchronize many pairs concurrently with this option set, the pair split or resynchronization performance might not be changed.
  • The maximum number of copy operations that can be run concurrently is 126 (including the number for ShadowImage/ShadowImage for Mainframe). This number includes initial copying, resynchronization, update copying, and differential data copying. When copy operations other than pair split and resynchronization are running concurrently, if you set this option, the pair split or resynchronization performance might not be changed.
  • The maximum number of pairs that can be copied concurrently in the background is 504. If the number of pairs being copied reaches 504, the next pair to be copied waits until one of the copy processing finishes.
  • The Quick/Steady Split Multiplexing option is enabled for Steady Split and Quick Split.
  • Reverse Copy Multiplexing is enabled for Reverse Copy.
  • Normal Resync Multiplexing is enabled for Normal Resync.
  • If the Increase Background Copy Performance (ShadowImage/ShadowImage for Mainframe) option is enabled, the amount of copy data increases over the entire storage system while the pair is in the PAIR status. Therefore, you can decrease the amount of differential data when the pair-split operation starts. However, the MP operating ratio and write pending rate increase because the amount of copy data increases in the storage system. Understand the trade-offs when you use this option.
Tip: Difference between the Host I/O Performance option and the Copy Pace Ext. options:
  • The Host I/O Performance option reduces the impact on host I/O by lowering the copy activity when pairs are in COPY(PD)/COPY, PAIR, COPY(SP)/COPY, PSUS(SP)/PSUS, COPY(RS)/COPY or COPY(RS-R)/RCPY status.
  • The Copy Pace Ext. options reduce the impact on host I/O by lowering the copy activity when pairs are in the PAIR status.

These options can be set concurrently. If you set both options, you can benefit from both.







Swap & Freeze

Saves ShadowImage data as-is immediately after Quick Restore. Used with the Quick Restore, inhibits the update copy operation after Quick Restore, and the paired S-VOL in PAIR status is not updated and remains unchanged.



Host I/O Performance

Gives weight to host I/O responses rather than the copy time of a volume. This option controls SI copy operations and improves host I/O responses. This option suppresses copy operations at any time regardless of workload.

Caution: The Host I/O Performance option suppresses copy processing and prolongs the copy time. Also, if there is an SIz pair, host I/O responses might not be improved. In this case, enable this option for both SI and SIz.

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HOST I/O priority mode 1 to 5

Makes the copy processing for SI pairs fail for the host I/O that causes copy processing for SI pairs so that the host I/O is prioritized. This function is performed if the write pending rate does not decrease and the host I/O does not finish within the time period specified by the option. After the copy processing fails, all data is copied as the resynchronization. See Time until the copy processing fails.





Copy Pace Ext. Slower1

Copy Pace Ext. Slower2

Copy Pace Ext. None

Reducing the copy volume in the PAIR status curbs the influence to the I/O performance of the host server. This option is available to all SI pairs in the PAIR status. The I/O performance of the host server is improved most effectively with Copy Pace Ext. None, followed by Copy Pace Ext. Slower2, and Copy Pace Ext. Slower1. Copy Pace Ext. None takes precedence over Copy Pace Ext. Slower2, and Copy Pace Ext. Slower2 takes precedence over Copy Pace Ext. Slower1.

This function is enabled only when the pair status is PAIR. If the pair status is COPY(PD)/COPY, COPY(SP)/COPY, PSUS(SP)/PSUS, COPY(RS)/COPY and COPY(RS-R)/RCPY, this function cannot reduce the impact on the host server's I/O performance.

Note: When the Copy Pace Ext. None option is set, copy operation is not performed for the pair in the PAIR status and the synchronization rate during split operation might become lower. In this case, the PSUS(SP)/PSUS and COPY(SP)/COPY status during split operation might last longer. If this is a problem, perform either of or both the following actions:
  • Minimize the time that the pair status is PAIR to avoid lowering the sychronization ratio in the PAIR status.
  • Use this option to change the status to Copy Pace Ext. Slower1 or Copy Pace Ext. Slower2. If you select either of them, the write response might be larger than the one for Copy Pace Ext. None.



Quick/Steady Split Multiplexing

(ShadowImage/ShadowImage for Mainframe)

Accelerates SI pair split. The number of jobs used for concurrent copy processing for each pair is changed from 1 to 24.



Reverse Copy Multiplexing

(ShadowImage/ShadowImage for Mainframe)

Accelerates resynchronization (secondary to primary) of SI pairs.

The number of jobs used for concurrent copy processing for each pair is changed from 1 to 24.



Normal Resync Multiplexing

(ShadowImage/ShadowImage for Mainframe)

Accelerates resynchronization (primary to secondary) of SI pairs.

The number of jobs used for concurrent copy processing for each pair is changed from 1 to 24.



Increase Background Copy Performance

(ShadowImage/ShadowImage for Mainframe)

Increases (from 64 to 126) the maximum multiplicity of asynchronous copy processing run in the background when a ShadowImage pair is in the PAIR status.