Viewing shredding results in the compressed files

Volume Shredder User Guide

Part Number

In the Selected LDEVs table on the Shred LDEVs window, if the Data Output column is set to YES, the result of shredding a volume can be saved as files on the computer. Use this file to check the results of shredding a volume.

You must have the Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role to perform this task.

  1. Display the Device Manager - Storage Navigator main window.
  2. On the menu bar, select Reports > Shredding Report, and then click either Download Latest Report to download the latest result file or Download Other Reports to download the past ten times result files.
    When the preparation for download is complete, a message appears.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Specify the folder in which to download the file.
  5. Click Save.
    Compressed files are downloaded.
  6. Decompress the file. The binary file showing the results of shredding, the text file showing the contents of shredding operation, and its result are output.