Defining shredding conditions

Volume Shredder User Guide

Part Number

Configure data overwrite patterns and the number of overwrite passes in the Shredding Data Pattern window. By default the number of overwrite passes is three; but you can change this number from three to up to eight times. The system keeps user-specified settings while the Shred LDEVs window is open.

You must have the Storage Administrator (Provisioning) role to perform this task.

  1. In the Storage Systems tree, select Logical Devices to display the LDEVs tab.
  2. Select a blocked volume, click More Actions, and then select Shred LDEVs to open the Shred LDEVs window.
  3. Click Edit Data Pattern. The Edit Shredding Data Pattern window opens.
  4. To use the default pattern, click Default Pattern (00-FF-00).
    To specify custom settings, click Data Pattern (User Setting) and specify the data pattern as follows:
    For FMDs, make sure you select Random Data as the specified Data Pattern.
    1. To add a random data pass, select Random Data, and click Add. A random data pass is added in the Data Pattern (User Setting) table.
    2. To define a data pattern, click Define Data, enter the number that you want to use as dummy data in the text box, and click Add. You can enter a hexadecimal number of up to four digits (0 to FFFF). The data pattern is added in the Data Pattern (User Setting) table.
      You should enter three or more numbers to use as dummy data. If you overwrite data with less than three numbers, some or all data might be recoverable.
    3. If you make a mistake, click Clear and re-enter the desired numbers.
  5. When the data pattern is correct (default or user-defined), click OK to save your settings and close the Edit Shredding Data Pattern window.
  6. Click Cancel to close the Shred LDEVs window.