Workflow for setting a Fibre Channel port to T10 PI

Provisioning Guide for VSP One Block

Part Number
  1. Check the port number of the port for which you set T10 PI mode.
  2. Make sure the transfer speed of the SCSI port on the CHB is 16 Gbps, 32 Gbps, or 64 Gbps.
  3. Make sure that the CHB is not set as the NVM subsystem port.
  4. Clear the error information of CCI configuration setting commands that run asynchronously.
    # raidcom reset command_status
  5. Enable or disable the T10 PI mode for the port.

    Example: Enabling the T10 PI mode for CL1-A.

    # raidcom modify port -port CL1-A -t10pi enable
  6. Check the error information of CCI configuration setting commands that run asynchronously.

    Verify that the ERR_CNT value is 0.

    # raidcom get command_status
  7. Obtain the information of the port for which the setting is changed, and then verify that the T10 PI mode is set as you specified.

    Example: Display the detailed information of port CL1-A.

    # raidcom get port -port CL1-A -key opt