Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to Blocked Pool VOL is a function to protect the V-VOL from read and write requests if the pool-VOL is blocked.
Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to Full Pool is a function to protect the V-VOL from read and write requests if the pool is full. Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to Full Pool is disabled for a DRD-VOL.
The requirements for using the V-VOL protection function are:
- Data Retention Utility (DRU) must be installed.
- The pool type must be Dynamic Provisioning. The V-VOL protection function cannot be set for Thin Image Advanced pools.
The behavior of the V-VOL protection function depends on the settings of system option modes (SOMs) 729 and 803, as specified in the following tables.
SOM 729 | Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to Full Pool | Behavior |
OFF | Disabled | DRU protect attribute is not set |
OFF | Enabled | DRU protect attribute is set |
ON | Disabled | DRU protect attribute is not set |
ON | Enabled | DRU protect attribute is set |
SOM 803 |
Protect V-VOLs when I/O fails to Blocked Pool VOL |
Behavior |
OFF | Disabled | DRU protect attribute is not set |
OFF | Enabled | DRU protect attribute is set |
ON | Disabled | DRU protect attribute is not set |
ON | Enabled | DRU protect attribute is set |
The setting by the V-VOL protection function has no connection to the access attribute status of V-VOL. For example, even if you disabled the V-VOL protection function to the pool while the protect attribute was being enabled on the V-VOL, the protect attribute would still be enabled on the V-VOL.
If you remove Data Retention Utility, the V-VOL protection function settings remain set in the pool but are no longer active. In this case, if you reinstall Data Retention Utility, the protection function settings made before Data Retention Utility was removed are reactivated in the pool.
If you use the V-VOL protection function, you cannot simultaneously use the following host mode options. You cannot use the V-VOL protection function for V-VOLs associated with the host group for which one or both host mode options are enabled:
- Host mode option 63 ((VAAI) Support Option for vStorage APIs based on T10 standards)
- Host mode option 73 (Support Option for Windows Server 2012)