Pool-VOL requirements

Provisioning Guide for VSP One Block

Part Number

Pool-VOLs make up a DP pool.

Item Requirements
Volume type Logical volume (LDEV)

Pool-VOLs cannot be used for any other purpose. For instance, you cannot specify these volumes as pool-VOLs:

  • Volumes used by ShadowImage, Volume Migration, TrueCopy, global-active device, or Universal Replicator
  • Volumes already registered in Thin Image Advanced or Dynamic Provisioning pools
  • Volumes used as Thin Image Advanced P-VOLs or S-VOLs
  • Volumes reserved by Data Retention Utility
  • Data Retention Utility volumes with a protect, read-only, or S-VOL disable attribute
  • LDEVs whose status is other than Normal, Correction Access, or Copying. You cannot specify volumes in blocked status or volumes in copying process.
  • Command devices
  • Quorum disks used by global-active device
RAID level for a Dynamic Provisioning pool

You can use RAID 6 (6D+2P or 14D+2P).

Pool-VOLs of RAID 6 and external volumes can coexist in the same pool. For pool-VOLs in the same pool:

Pool-VOLs of different RAID levels can coexist in the same pool. Set one RAID level for pool-VOLs. If you register pool-VOLs with multiple RAID levels to the same pool, the I/O performance depends on the RAID levels of pool-VOLs to be registered. In that case, note the I/O performance of the drives.

Data drive type for a Dynamic Provisioning pool All drive types can coexist in the same pool with the following considerations.
  • Pools should be built from pool-VOLs of the same capacity, type, and RAID level. If multiple pool-VOLs with different drive types are registered in the same pool, the I/O performance depends on the drive type of the pool-VOL to which the page is assigned. Therefore, if different drive types are registered in the same pool, ensure that the required I/O performance is not degraded by using less desirable drive types.
  • If multiple data drives coexist in the same pool, avoid using data drives that are different capacities.
Volume capacity Internal volume: From 8 GB to 2.9 TB

External volume: From 8 GB to 4 TB

External volume with the data direct mapping attribute: From 8 GB to 256 TB

LDEV format The LDEV format operation can be performed on pool-VOLs only when all of these conditions are satisfied:
  • There are no V-VOLs defined for the pool, or all V-VOLs defined for the pool are blocked.
  • The pool does not contain any Thin Image Advanced pairs or snapshot data.
Path definition You cannot specify a volume with a path definition as a pool-VOL.