Provisioning Guide for VSP One Block

Part Number

A data reduction shared volume (DRS-VOL) is a DP-VOL that is created by using the capacity saving function in adaptive data reduction. The DRS-VOL can be used as a volume of a Thin Image Advanced pair and can enable control data (metadata) aware data management of the Redirect-on-Write (ROW) snapshot function. When a DRS-VOL is used in a HTI Advanced pair, saving effect and software saving include the saving effect achieved by the snapshot differential data of the HTI Advanced pair.

HTI Advanced enables fast replication operations by performing the pair split operation without the need to copy the existing user data.

A DP-VOL with capacity saving enabled by using conventional dedupe and compression cannot be used in HTI Advanced. If you want to use the DP-VOL in HTI Advanced, make sure to migrate the DP-VOL with capacity saving enabled to the DRS-VOL by using Volume Migration. For more information about the procedure for migrating to the DRS-VOL, see the VSP One Block Thin Image Advanced User Guide.