SI |
- Pair creation
- Pair creation (Steady Split, Quick Split)
- Steady Split
- Quick Split, Normal Resync, Reverse Copy (a pair with 100% synchronization rate is not subject to copy suppression)
HTI Advanced |
Pair split, pair restore, pair resynchronization, pair deletion, S-VOL assignment, S-VOL assignment release, S-VOL assignment change |
VM |
Pair creation |
TC |
- Background processing such as copy operation in TrueCopy
- Initial copy operation
- Pair creation, Pair resynchronization, Swap resync operation
- Horctakeover operation (swap resync operation performed during the horctakeover operation)
UR |
- Copy or restore operation performed on the background
- Initial copy operation, Update copy operation
- Journal copy operation (initial copy and update copy)
- Restore journal operation
- Issuing the read-journal command to the primary storage system
- Data copy operation from a master journal to a restore journal
- Restore journal data copy operation to an S-VOL
- Pair creation, Pair resynchronization, Swap resync operation, Delta resync operation
- Horctakeover operation (swap resync operation performed during the horctakeover operation)
- Initial copy operation
- Pair creation, Pair resynchronization, Swap resync operation
- Horctakeover operation (swap resync operation performed during the horctakeover operation)