Requirements for NVMe over FC

Provisioning Guide for VSP One Block

Part Number
Item Description
Maximum number of NVM subsystems 2,048 (ID range: 0 through 2,047)
Maximum number of namespaces created on the NVM subsystem 2,048 (ID range: 1 through 2,048)
Maximum number of NVM subsystem ports created on the NVM subsystem 32
Maximum number of host NQNs registered on the NVM subsystem 255
Requirements for a host NQN registered on the NVM subsystem A host NQN registered on the NVM subsystem must meet the following requirements:
  • The number of characters that can be specified: Up to 223 characters
  • The first 4 characters should be "nqn."
  • Characters that can be specified:
    • One-byte numbers of 0 through 9
    • One-byte lowercase characters of a through z
    • - (hyphen)
    • . (dot)
    • : (colon)
Maximum number of NVM subsystem ports created on a port 255
Maximum number of host groups created on a port 255
Maximum number of WWNs of host bus adapters registered on a port 255 per port

255 per host group

Maximum number of namespaces for each port created when the port is shared with multiple NVM subsystems 2,048 (Total number of namespaces created on the NVM subsystem)
Maximum number of LDEVs that can be set for a namespace 1 (One LDEV can be assigned to one namespace.
LDEV that is not available for a namespace
  • Journal volume
  • Pool volume
  • Logical volume for which the LU path is set
  • Logical volume with the T10 PI attribute
  • System data volume for deduplication
  • Volume used for a quorum disk
Usage of LDEV that is set for a namespace The LDEV cannot be used for the following:
  • Remote command device
  • Universal Replicator Journal volume
  • Global-active device pair volume
Port that is available for an NVMe-oF port Port on the Fibre channel board (Fibre 32Gbps Ready Channel Board or Fibre 64Gbps Channel Board) for Fibre Channel*
Port that is not available for an NVMe-oF port
  • Port for which an LU path is set
  • Port for which a host group other than host group 0 is set
  • Port for which a remote path for TrueCopy, Universal Replicator, or global-active device is set
  • Port for which an external path for Universal Volume Manager is set
* One Fibre Channel port can only be used on either the LU path port or the NVMe-oF port.