Guidelines for managing the NVM subsystem as a storage management resource

Provisioning Guide for VSP One Block

Part Number

NVMe-oF requires the NVM subsystem, which is not used in conventional FC and iSCSI, to be registered as a storage management resource. You are responsible for creating resource groups and allocating resources according to the NVM subsystem operations, such as sharing or exclusively using the NVM subsystem by the storage user or department.

Follow these guidelines for managing the NVM subsystem as a storage resource:

  • To contain the NVM subsystem in the user resource group, specify an NVM subsystem ID that is a management number of the NVM subsystem on the storage system. If the NVM subsystem ID is not moved to any resource group, the NVM subsystem is available as a resource assigned to meta_resource by default.
  • To migrate the resources used for NVMe-oF, use the CCI raidcom add resource command.

    The following example migrates the NVM subsystem ID 1 to the resource group sql_srv.

    # raidcom add resource -resource_name sql_srv -nvm_subsystem_id 1 

    For more information about how to run the CCI command and specify the option, see the Command Control Interface User and Reference Guide and the Command Control Interface Command Reference.

  • Virtual storage machines do not support the NVMe-oF protocol. Resources used for NVMe-oF cannot be moved to the resource group for which the virtual ID is set as a virtual storage machine.

The following figure is an example configuration of two departments in a company sharing a virtual private storage system. Departments A and B can use the DDP groups, logical volumes, and NVM subsystems assigned for each department, however the port is shared by both the departments.

NVMe resource group use case example