For Fibre 32Gbps Ready Channel Board
When you change the T10 PI mode for a port, the T10 PI mode for the paired ports is also changed. Before changing the T10 PI mode, check the ports that are paired with the port for which you change the T10 PI mode. Those ports must be in the same resource group.
The following shows the port names of the ports to be paired. If you change the setting of one of the paired ports, the settings of the other ports are also changed.
- Port names: 1x, 3x, 5x, and 7x (x: A to M)
For example, if you change the setting of port 1A, the settings of ports 3A, 5A, and 7A are also changed.
- Port names: 2x, 4x, 6x, and 8x (x: A to M)
For example, if you change the setting of port 2B, the settings of ports 4B, 6B, and 8B are also changed.
For Fibre 64Gbps Channel Board
The T10 PI mode settings can be changed for each port. The T10 PI mode of a different port is not changed at the same time.
Additional notes
- If the path to an LDEV for which the T10 PI mode is enabled is defined on a port, you cannot disable the T10 PI mode on the port.
- Do not change the T10 PI mode on multiple ports if the T10 PI mode is enabled for some ports and disabled for other ports.