Cache capacity when using DRD-VOLs

Provisioning Guide for VSP One Block

Part Number

The cached metadata is accessed during I/O operations with the capacity saving function. The following describes the cache capacity for cache hits in the metadata to get optimal performance.

In addition to the cache capacity in a Dynamic Provisioning configuration (see Cache capacity requirements), increase the cache capacity by 0.075% of the total capacity of DRD-VOLs. Use this formula:

<cache-capacity-with-capacity-saving-enabled> = (<total-used-capacity-of-DRD-VOLs-with-dedupe-and-compression> + <total-used-capacity-of-DRS-VOLs-with-adaptive-data-reduction> × 2) × 0.075%)

If the upper limit of the maximum cache capacity is exceeded, install the maximum capacity. If the obtained cache capacity with capacity saving enabled is less than 32 GB, set it to 32 GB.

The total used capacity of volumes differs from the total defined capacity of volumes. The total used capacity of volumes refers to the total capacity that is expected to be used during initial installation. In addition to the capacity used during initial installation, include the additional capacity to be used in future. However, the used capacity of an S-VOL in Thin Image Advanced is the difference from a P-VOL.