Encryption configuration scripts are provided as reference information when you use the REST API to build and initialize your encryption environment with a KMS.
- The encryption configuration scripts are written in Python.
Download Python from the Python website (https://www.python.org/).
- The encryption scripts use the standard libraries (json, sys, http.client, time, traceback) and the Requests library, which is a third-party library.
Download the Requests library from the Requests library download page (https://pypi.org/project/requests/).
- The encryption scripts have been tested with Python 3.11.0 and Requests 2.31.0.
- The encryption scripts contain the initialization and initialization code required by client programs, such as uploading the KMS certificate and adding the KMS configuration.
The encryption configuration script files are located on the ESM of your storage system.
- URL of the kmip.zip file on the storage system:
https://<service IP address>/download/restapi/kmip.zip
- Script files stored in the kmip.zip file:
- setup_kms.py: Initial configuration script file.
- init_kms.py: Initialization script file.
- block_storage_api.py: Defines the function that generates the request line as a BlockStorage API class.
- storage_param.py: Defines storage system information.