Releasing HTTP communications to the SVP

Service Processor 3 (SVP3) Technical Reference

Part Number

If you blocked outside access to the HTTP communications used by the SVP, use the following procedure to release the blocked port.

  1. Request all users to log out of HDvM - SN.
  2. Using a management console PC attached to the SVP, connect to the SVP using Windows Remote Desktop Client.
  3. On the SVP, exit to a Windows command prompt as Administrator.
  4. Move to the directory where the MappHttpBlock.bat tool is located, and then enter the following command:

    In this command, C:\MAPP indicates the installation directory of the storage management software and SVP software. If the installation directory is different, replace C:\MAPP with the specified installation directory.

  5. At the message Press any key to continue the process…, enter a port number that is not being used by another device or application.
  6. Close the command prompt window.