Installing the SVP software on a guest OS

Service Processor 3 (SVP3) Technical Reference

Part Number

After you perform the host configuration, install the SVP software on a guest OS.

You install the SVP software using Hitachi Device Manager - Storage Navigator.

  1. Double-click the Setup.exe file for Device Manager - Storage Navigator.
  2. When prompted, select a language and accept the license agreement.
  3. Accept the default directory or select a different one, and then click OK.

  4. Select the IP addressing method (IPv4 or IPv5), enter the IP address of the SVP port connecting the SVP and the storage system, and then click Apply.

  5. Complete the fields in the Add System window.



    System Selection
    Select one of the following methods to discover the storage system.
    • Auto Discovery: Acquire the storage system information automatically. (default)
    • Manual: Specify the storage system information manually. 1
    IP Address (CTL 1) Enter the IP address for controller 1. Accept the default IPv4 setting or select IPv6, and then enter the IP address in the appropriate format for the addressing method selected.
    IP Address (CTL 2) Enter the IP address for controller 2. Accept the default IPv4 setting or select IPv6, and then enter the IP address in the appropriate format for the addressing method selected.
    System Name Enter the display name of the storage system, up to 180 characters. Permitted characters are one-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols (# $ % & ' * + - . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~). You cannot use one-byte spaces.
    Description Enter the description of the storage system, up to 360 characters.
    User Name Enter a user name. Permitted characters are one-byte alphanumeric characters and symbols (# $ % & ' * + - . / = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~).
    Password Enter a password.
    Not start service after addition immediately2 Check if you do not want to start service after adding the storage system. (Default is unchecked.)

    1. Service personnel set the storage system information manually. User should not select Manual to set it.

  6. When the target storage systems list window opens, click Apply.

  7. Confirm that the storage system appears in the Storage Device List.

    This completes the procedure for installing the SVP software on a guest OS. If you need to modify your configuration, refer to the instructions for installing the SVP on a VMware ESXi host.