Viewing the port number to be used in the SVP

Service Processor 3 (SVP3) Technical Reference

Part Number

You can view the port numbers to be used in the SVP.

Verify the client PC is already connected to the SVP through the Remote Desktop connection.

  1. On the SVP, start a Windows command prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Change the current directory to the directory where the tool exists and run the following command: C:\Mapp\wk\Supervisor\MappIniSet\MappPortRefer.bat_[Serial number] (arbitrary)

    The _ character indicates a space. The values in [ ] indicates a parameter.

    When the serial numbers are omitted, the information of all the storage systems registered in Storage Device List is displayed.

    Tip: C:\MAPP indicates the installation directory of the storage management software and SVP software. If the installation directory is not C:\Mapp, replace C:\Mapp with the appropriate installation directory.
  3. The information of the port numbers to be used in the SVP is displayed. For the ports whose numbers are not allocated, Not Defined is displayed.
  4. A completion message appears. Press any key to continue.
  5. Close the command prompt.