Data Storage Optimizer maintains operation and performance metrics that are useful for ongoing monitoring of the software. To instruct Data Storage Optimizer to emit these metrics use the ldoctl command line utility as follows:
ldoctl metrics collect
The command causes Data Storage Optimizer to emit a JSON string containing the metrics to the systemd journal log, or to the file specified in the METRICS_FILE parameter in the configuration file, if specified and permissions are properly set on the target folder.
ldoctl metrics collect
The command causes Data Storage Optimizer to emit a JSON string containing the metrics to the systemd journal log, or to the file specified in the METRICS_FILE parameter in the configuration file, if specified and permissions are properly set on the target folder.
The format of the JSON string is as follows:
{ "date": "2019 10 25 13:48:00 +0000", "metrics": [ { "event": "event_name", "max": max_value, "mean": mean_value, "min": min_value, "stddev": stddev, "total": event_count, "type": "timer" }, { "event": "event_name", "total": event_count, "type": "counter" } ] }
Types of metrics events
There are two types of metrics events: timer and counter. Both timer and counter metrics events have an event name in the event field.
- Timer events
- Report the maximum (max), mean (mean), minimum (min), and standard deviation (stddev) of the amount of time it takes to complete certain measured internal operations. The total field for timer events is always a count of the number of times the event has occurred. Following is a list of the timer events:
- get_attr: Filesystem request for file attributes, that is, stat
- readdir: Directory listing, includes S3 listing if applicable
- md_cache_add_entry: Adding an entry to the local metadata store
- md_cache_update_entry: Updating an entry in the local metadata store
- md_cache_evict_entry: Removing an entry in the local metadata store
- md_cache_get_entry: Getting an entry from the local metadata store
- md_cache_copy_entry_new_path: Copying an entry in the local metadata store
- md_cache_get_size: Counting the entries in the local metadata store
- md_cache_readdir_root: Listing the root directory from the local metadata store
- md_cache_readdir: Listing a directory from the local metadata store
- *_prepare_stmt: Preparing a DB operation for the local metadata store
- *_exec_stmt: Executing a DB operation on the local metadata store
- Counter Events
- The total field can be a count of occurrences or some other count. Following is a list of the counter events:
- md_cache_size: The number of entries in the local metadata store
- md_cache_size: The number of entries in the local metadata store
- open_file_size: The number of currently open file handles in the Data Storage Optimizer volume
- s3_op_put: The count of S3 PUT requests to the HCP
- s3_op_get: The count of S3 GET requests to the HCP
- s3_op_list: The count of bucket listing requests to the HCP
- s3_op_delete: The count of S3 DELETE requests to the HCP
- s3_op_copy: The count of S3 put-copy requests to the HCP
- s3_op_error: The count of S3 error responses from the HCP
- warnings: The count of logged warnings
- errors: The count of logged errors