If you are publishing your report to the Pentaho Server, you can use the following server environment variables in your report:
Variable | Description |
hostColonPort | The hostname and port number for the Pentaho Server service |
pentahoBaseURL | The complete URL to the Pentaho Server, as set in the Base URL property |
roles | Returns a comma-separated list of roles that the Pentaho Server user who is currently running this report belongs to |
roles-array | Returns a Java array of strings containing the roles that the Pentaho Server user who is currently running this report belongs to |
serverBaseURL | The URL to the Pentaho Server, minus the Pentaho Server application context name (the default context is pentaho/) |
solutionRoot | The path to the top-level Pentaho solution directory. The default location is home/pentaho/pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/ on Linux and Solaris, and C:\pentaho\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\ on Windows |
username | Returns the Pentaho Server username of the person currently running the published report |