Master report or sub-report

Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number

This is the top-level category under which all other report bands are listed. For standalone or master reports, this will be the Master Report. For sub-reports, it will be the sub-report.

Report Band Description
Page Header All of the elements shown in the page header band are listed in this category.
Report Header All of the elements shown in the report header band are listed in this category.
Group If you've created any groups for your report elements, they will show up here. You can add or delete a group by right-clicking the Groups heading, then selecting the appropriate action from the context menu. You can also delete a group by selecting it, then pressing the Delete key. Your Details band is considered a group, and is explained below.
Details All items you place in the Details band will appear in the Details heading under the Group section. There are also Details-specific Header and Body bands which are not displayed in the workspace by default, but are available in the Structure pane to add to. You can add these extra bands to your workspace by selecting each of them in the Structure pane, then clicking the checkbox next to hide-on-canvas in the Attributes pane.
No Data In the event that your query does not return any data, whatever content you put into the No Data band will appear in your report. You can add a no data band to your workspace by selecting No Data Band in the Structure pane, then clicking the checkbox next to hide-on-canvas in the Attributes pane.
Report Footer All of the elements shown in the report footer band will be listed in this category.
Page Footer All of the elements shown in the page footer band will be listed in this category.
Watermark You can add a watermark to your report by clicking Watermark in the Structure pane, then either right-clicking it and adding an element directly through the Structure pane, or by clicking the checkbox next to hide-on-canvas in the Attributes pane and dragging an element to the new Watermark band.