Border styles

Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number

Border styles control the color, texture, and size of the border around the selected element.

Note: For elements that control colors, possible values are standard HTML color names (red, blue, green, black, etc.) or hexadecimal color values (#000000, #FFFFFF, #CCFF00, etc.)
Property Name Data Type Purpose
top-size Integer Specifies the size (in pixels) of the top border segment
top-style Selection Specifies the line style of the top border segment
top-color Selection Specifies the color of the top border segment
top-left-round-height Integer Specifies the degree of vertical roundness (in pixels) of the top left border corner
top-left-round-width Integer Specifies the degree of horizontal roundness (in pixels) of the top left border corner
top-right-round-height Integer Specifies the degree of vertical roundness (in pixels) of the top right border corner
top-right-round-width Integer Specifies the degree of horizontal roundness (in pixels) of the top right border corner
bottom-size Integer Specifies the size (in pixels) of the bottom border segment
bottom-style Selection Specifies the line style of the bottom border segment
bottom-color Selection Specifies the color of the bottom border segment
bottom-left-round-height Integer Specifies the degree of vertical roundness (in pixels) of the bottom left border segment
bottom-left-round-width Integer Specifies the degree of horizontal roundness (in pixels) of the bottom left border segment
bottom-right-round-height Integer Specifies the degree of vertical roundness (in pixels) of the bottom right border segment
bottom-right-round-width Integer Specifies the degree of horizontal roundness (in pixels) of the bottom right border segment
left-color Selection Specifies the color of the left border segment
left-size Integer Specifies the size (in pixels) of the left border segment
left-style Selection Specifies the line style of the left border segment
right-color Selection Specifies the color of the right border segment
right-size Integer Specifies the size (in pixels) of the right border segment
right-style Selection Specifies the line style of the right border segment
break-color Selection Specifies the color of the border segment that closes an element that is cut short by a page break
break-style Selection Specifies the color of the border segment that closes an element that is cut short by a page break
break-size Integer Specifies the color of the border segment that closes an element that is cut short by a page break