Tour of Pentaho Metadata Editor

Pentaho Metadata Editor

Part Number
The following steps demonstrate how to use an example metadata model that is already deployed with the Pentaho Server.
Note: The Pentaho Metadata Editor and the Pentaho Server must be running before you can begin.
  1. In the main window of the Metadata Editor, go to File > Import from XMI File.
  2. Navigate to your installation of the Pentaho Server.
    For example, if you used the installer, navigate to pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions. There can be several root pentaho-solution folders and each of them may contain one metadata model repository.
  3. Open the steel-wheels folder and click [MyBusinessModel].xmi where [myBusinessModel] is the name you have given the model. The .xmi file is the repository for Pentaho-related metadata and business views.
  4. Type Sample Data in the Save Model dialog box. If you see the message, This model already exists... click Yes to continue.
    This step processes the file and displays the structure of the repository (connections and business models) in the navigation pane on the left.

    Pentaho Metadata Editor, Sample Data file
  5. Log in to the User Console, and click New Report.

    Pentaho Metadata Editor, Select Data Source tab
    The Human Resources, Inventory, and Orders business models are displayed.