Size and Position styles

Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number

Size and Position styles control the size and position of the selected element.

Property Name Data Type Purpose
height Decimal The element's preferred height. If defined, this overrides all other height definitions including the dynamic-height flag
width Decimal The preferred width. If defined, this width overrides all other layout rules
x Decimal The X-Coordinate where the element should be placed
y Decimal The Y-Coordinate where the element should be placed
visible Boolean A flag indicating whether the element will be printed
invisible-consumes-space Boolean A flag indicating whether an element set to visible maintains its space
dynamic-height Boolean A flag indicating whether the field should expand its height based on the content it contains
min-height Decimal The element's minimum height
max-height Decimal The element's maximum height
min-width Decimal The element's minimum width
max-width Decimal The element's maximum width
x-overflow Boolean Defines whether content can overflow the element's layout box to the right
y-overflow Boolean Defines whether content can overflow the element's layout box to the bottom
fixed-position String (Group elements only) Shifts the band to a fixed position on the page
layout String (Band elements only) The layout strategy for elements in bands. See Report Layout Types for more information on layout options.
box-sizing Selection Specifies the border-model to use