Edit Interactive Reports

Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number

You can use Report Designer to edit a report created with Pentaho Interactive Reports.

This procedure assumes that you have a .prpti report created with Pentaho Interactive Reports
Note: Note: Once a .prpti file has been edited with Report Designer, it can no longer be used with Interactive Reports.

Perform the following steps to edit an Interactive Report:

  1. Copy the .prpti file from the solution in the Pentaho Server's pentaho-solutions/ directory to the workstation that has Report Designer.
    If you have the Pentaho Server and Report Designer on the same machine, this step may not be necessary. However, you may need to create a copy of the .prpti file if you want to continue using the original in Interactive Reports.
  2. Copy the .xmi data source file from the solution in the Pentaho Server's pentaho-solutions/ directory to the workstation that has Report Designer.
  3. Start Report Designer and open the .prpti file.
  4. Edit the report's data source definition and replace the URL to the XMI file with the one you copied from the Pentaho Server.
    Report Designer is unable to connect to XMI files on remote Pentaho Server machines. If you have the Pentaho Server on the same system with Report Designer, you can continue using that XMI file, but you still have to provide the local file system location in place of the server's URL.
  5. Establish a data source connection to the database referenced in the XMI file.
    The XMI file defines a metadata model, which can be used as a data source so long as the database it provides metadata for is available to Report Designer.
  6. Copy the appropriate JDBC driver for the XMI database connection to the report-designer/lib/jdbc/ directory.
    You may already have an appropriate database driver; if so, skip this step.
You have successfully migrated an Interactive Report to Report Designer. From here, you can render and distribute or publish it. If you publish this file to the Pentaho Server, it will be treated as a Report Designer .prpt report, not as an Interactive Reports .prpti report.