Localize a report

Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number
Report Designer can dynamically pull text content from message bundles that contain localized strings. This enables you to localize the static and dynamic text content in a report. The relevant report elements you must work with to dynamically localize a report are: Resource Message, Resource Label, and Resource Field. You'll use these in place of standard report text elements.

Follow the below procedure to prepare a report for localization.

  1. Open the report you want to localize.
  2. Go to the File menu and select Resources.
    The Resource Editor window will appear.
  3. Click Create to create a new default resource bundle.
    A resource details window will appear.
  4. Type in a file name for your resource file (using a .properties extension), and select its content type from the drop-down list.
    You should name this properties file without any country or language codes. Pentaho Reporting will default to a non-localized message bundle name if no locale is specified, so the first message bundle you create should be the one you want to use by default. Typically you would use the report name for the resource bundle name. So for an InventoryList.prpt report, you would name your resource bundle InventoryList.properties.
  5. In the Resource Editor, select the message bundle you just created, then click Edit.
    A text window will appear.
  6. Enter name/value pairs for all of the Resource Labels you intend to create, with the name of the label on the left and the value on the right, as shown in the example below.
    title=Sales Report 2011
    companyLabel=Steel Wheels, Inc.
  7. Repeat the previous four steps for every locale and language you want to account for, using the appropriate language and country codes in the file names.
    Following the example above, the traditional French version of the properties file would be InventoryList_fr_FR.properties.
    Refer to the Customizing Pentaho Business Analytics document for more details on message bundle naming conventions.
  8. Add a Resource Label, Message, or Field to the report canvas.
  9. With the new element selected, go to the Attributes pane.
  10. Set the name of this replaceable resource in the value field.
    This must match the name that you specified in your message bundle earlier.
    To follow the example above, your resource labels should be named title and companyLabel.
  11. Set the name of the resource bundle that will contain this replaceable resource in the resource-id field.
    This should not have a .properties extension.
    Following the example above, this would be InventoryList.
Your report will be localized according to your specifications. You can test this by changing the language code for Report Designer through the .environment.designtime.Locale variable in the Configuration dialog box in the File menu.