Summary functions

Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number

The Summary category contains mathematical functions that count, add, and divide report data in groups.

Function Name Purpose
Sum Calculates the sum of the selected numeric column. This produces a global total.
Count Counts the total number of items contained in a group. If no group is specified, all items in the entire report are counted.
Count by Page Counts the total number of items contained in a group on one rendered page. If no group is specified, all items on the entire page are counted.
Group Count Counts the total number of items in the selected groups. If no group is specified, all items in all groups are counted.
Minimum Identifies the lowest or smallest value in a group.
Maximum Identifies the highest or largest value in a group.
Sum Quotient Performs simple division on the sum totals from two columns and returns a numeric value.
Sum Quotient Percent Performs simple division on the sum totals from two columns and returns a percentage value.
Calculation Stores the result of a calculation. This function can be used to convert a group of Running functions into a single total Summary function.
Count For Page Counts items on a page according to the specified criteria. This value is reset to zero when a new page is reached.
Sum For Page Adds all of the specified items on one page and produces a total. This value is reset to zero when a new page is reached.