
Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number
Follow this procedure to add a Table data source in Report Designer.
  1. Select the Data tab in the upper right pane.
    By default, Report Designer starts in the Structure tab, which shares a pane with Data.
  2. Click the yellow cylinder icon in the upper left part of the Data pane, or right-click Data Sets.
    A drop-down menu with a list of supported data source types will appear.
  3. Select Table from the drop-down menu.
    The Table Datasource Editor window will appear.
  4. Click the round green + icon to add a query, then type in a name for the new query in the Name field.
  5. Use the four buttons below the Name field to add or remove rows and columns appropriately, or click the Import Spreadsheet button in the lower left corner to pull in data from an XLS file.
  6. Enter or change any tabular data by selecting, then double-clicking a cell.
  7. Click OK when you're done creating your Table data source.