Set the level type in the Mondrian schema to either Numeric or Integer to enable the comparison operators, as shown below:
<Dimension foreignKey="CUSTOMERNUMBER" name="Credit Limit"> <Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="CUSTOMERNUMBER"> <Table name="CUSTOMER_W_TER"> </Table> <Level name="Credit Limit" levelType="Regular" column="CREDITLIMIT" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="true" hideMemberIf="Never"> <Annotations> <Annotation name="AnalyzerBusinessGroup">Customers</Annotation></Annotations> </Level> </Hierarchy> </Dimension>Note: If the Level is both Numeric and Time (for
example, type = Integer, levelType = TimeYears and Annotation name = AnalyzerDateFormat,
then the level will maintain the existing behavior for the relative date operators and not
the comparison operators.