Create a domain

Pentaho Metadata Editor

Part Number

A metadata domain is a Pentaho term that represents all of the business objects created, stored and used in the metadata layer. A domain may consist of one or more connections, one or more models, security information, business tables, business views, categories, columns and concepts. You can create and save multiple metadata domains using the Metadata Editor.

A metadata domain is accessed through the Pentaho Server by publishing or exporting the domain to an .xmi file, and placing the file in your Pentaho solutions folder.

In summary, a domain represents all of the associated modeled business entities. A domain can be viewed as a metadata “document.” Each solution is restricted to have, at most, one domain. A solution repository can contain multiple solutions. A domain must be published as an XMI file in the solution repository root directory. The Metadata Editor works with one domain at time, for example, a Sales domain that defines the relationships and entities used by sales team.

When you first launch the Metadata Editor, a new domain is automatically created. You can immediately begin adding connections, tables, columns, and more. If you want to start fresh with a new domain, select File > New > Domain File from the main menu.

There are several procedures associated with creating a new domain.