Select a model

Pentaho Aggregation Designer

Part Number
After defining your data source, you must select the cube you want to use for defining and building aggregate tables.

To select a model:

  1. In the Connect to Data Source dialog box, under OLAP Model, select Mondrian Schema File.
  2. Click the Ellipsis (...) to display a file dialog box.
  3. Browse to locate and select your Mondrian schema file, which would be SteelWheels.mondrian.xml if using sample data, then click OK.
  4. Click Apply.
    The Cube list is populated with a list of cubes defined in your schema.
  5. Select the Mondrian cube you want to optimize, then click Connect.
When the Pentaho Aggregation Designer establishes a connection, it runs several validation tests to ensure that your database structure is ready to support aggregate tables. A validation summary dialog box appears with a list of test results. If you see an error message, contact your database administrator.