Prevent Scheduling by Setting Blockout Times

Pentaho Analytics

Part Number

From the Pentaho User Console, you set up specific times on the server to block the running of schedules, which allows you to perform administrative functions such as system maintenance or managing server traffic during peak usage times.

  1. From the User Console Home menu, click Schedules
    The Schedules page appears.
    Blockout Times dialog box
  2. Click the Create Blockout Time button or the green Plus Sign (+) in the Blockout Times tool on the left side of the Schedules screen.
    The Blockout Time dialog box appears.
    New Schedule Blockout Time dialog box
  3. Enter values in the Recurrence, Start Time, Duration or End Time, and Start Date fields for the blocked out time.
  4. Click OK. If Run Once is selected in the Recurrence field, a dash displays under the Start Time and End Time fields in the blockout list, until the blockout time passes.
The Blockout Time is created and no schedules will run on the Pentaho Server during that time. Users are able to view a list of blocked out times when they are creating schedules.