
Pentaho Analytics

Part Number

All of your active scheduled reports appear in the list of schedules, which you can get to by clicking the Home drop-down menu, then the Schedules link, in the upper-left corner of the User Console page.

The list of schedules shows which reports are scheduled to run, the recurrence pattern for the schedule, when it was last run, when it is set to run again, and the current state of the schedule.
Schedules Page
Item Name Function
1 Schedules indicator Indicates the current User Console perspective that you are using. Schedules displays a list of schedules that you create, a toolbar to work with your schedules, and a list of times that your schedules are blocked from running.
2 Schedule Name Lists your schedules by the name you assign to them. Click the arrow next to Schedule Name to sort schedules alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
3 Repeats Describes how often the schedule is set to run.
4 Source File Displays the name of the file associated with the schedule.
5 Output Location Shows the location where the scheduled report is saved.
6 Last Run Shows the last time and date when the schedule was run.
7 Next Run Shows the next time and date when the schedule will run again.
8 Status Indicates the current Status of the schedule. The state can be either Normal or Paused.
9 Blockout Times Lists the times when all schedules are blocked from running.
You can edit and maintain each of your schedules by using the controls the following table. See Schedule Reports for more information.
Icon Name Function
Refresh icon Refresh Refreshes the list of schedules.
Run Now icon Run Now Runs a selected schedule(s) at will.
Stop Scheduled Task icon Stop Scheduled Task Pauses a specified schedule. Use Start Schedule to start paused jobs.
Start Scheduled Task icon Start Scheduled Task Resumes a previously stopped schedule.
Edit Scheduled Task Edits the details of an existing schedule.
Remove Scheduled Task icon Remove Scheduled Task Deletes a specified schedule. If the schedule is currently running, it continues to run, but it will not run again.