Manage Users and Roles in PUC

Pentaho Analytics

Part Number

This article provides an overview of the default assignments for users and roles, the permissions included, and the management of users and roles in the Pentaho User Console (PUC). You must log on to PUC as an administrator (or be assigned to a role that has the Administer Security permission) to manage users and roles for Pentaho Security.

Before changing security settings, back up these relevant files:

  • If you installed Pentaho using the Installation Wizard, back up the Pentaho Business Analytics and the Pentaho Server directories.
  • If you installed Pentaho using the manual process, back up the Pentaho Business Analytics, the Pentaho Server directories, and the Pentaho WAR files and solutions.

You can control users and roles in PUC with a point-and-click user interface. The Users & Roles page allows you to switch between user and role settings. You can add, delete, and edit users and roles from this page.

Access to files or folders can also be refined using the Browse Files perspective in PUC. Each file or folder can use the default permissions or permissions can be customized for specific users and roles. For additional security in multi-tenancy organizations, you can hide individual users' Home folders. See the Administer Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics document for more information.