
Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

In PUC, the Administration perspective can be used by logged-on users assigned a role that has permissions to administer security can perform system configuration and maintenance tasks.

If you see Administration in the left drop-down menu on the Home page, you can click it to reveal menu items specific to administration of the Pentaho Server. If you do not have administration privileges, Administration does not appear within the console.

Administration perspective in PUC

Item Control Name Function
1 Administration In PUC, open the Administration perspective. The Administration perspective enables you to set up users, configure the mail server, change authentication settings on the Pentaho Server, and install software licenses for Pentaho.
2 Users & Roles Manage the Pentaho users or roles for the Pentaho Server. Learn more
3 Authentication Set the security provider for the Pentaho Server to either the default Pentaho Security or LDAP/Active Directory. See the Administer Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics document for details.
4 Mail Server Set up the outgoing email server and the account used to send reports through email.
5 Licenses Manage Pentaho software licenses. See the Administer Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics document for details.
6 Settings Manage settings for deleting older generated files, either manually or by creating a schedule for deletion.