Read and export in view-only mode

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number
After you save your Interactive Reports, browse for it in your Pentaho repository. You can quickly identify Interactive Reports by their icon. When the report appears, notice that the toolbar that allows you to perform certain actions on the report.
Interactive Report View Only Toolbar
Hover your mouse over the icons in the toolbar to see which actions you can take. These actions include:
  • Exporting a report as a PDF, HTML, CSV, Excel Workbook, or Excel 93 - 2003 Workbook file to be saved locally.
    • You can also export a report in Edit mode.
  • Adding filters for viewing report data.
  • Rearranging the report layout, such as moving, sorting, and removing columns from the report.

You cannot save any changes to your report when you are in View-only mode. However, you can click Edit in the User Console toolbar to return to edit mode and save your changes.