View and edit field properties

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number
While most users can view the properties of a field in Analyzer, select users can edit a few of these properties, depending on the type of the field, such as level, time period, or measure. To edit these properties, you must be assigned the Manage Data Sources operation permission in Users and Roles. For more information on setting and maintaining permissions and roles for users, see Use Pentaho Security.
  1. In the Available Fields list, right-click the field name you want to view or edit.
  2. From the menu that displays, click Properties.
    The Properties dialog box displays for the field.
  3. View or edit the following information about the field:
    Field property Description
    Display Name

    The name of the field as it appears in the Available Fields list. If you renamed this field in the Layout panel or the report pane, a notification with the new name will display below.

    If you are assigned the Manage Data Sources permission, you can edit the name of this field. The edited name will display in the Available Fields list, as well as in the Layout panel and the Report pane unless you have renamed the field. Renaming a field within the Layout panel or the report pane will not affect the display name of the field in the Available Fields list.

    Aggregation (for measures only) The aggregation type is how the measure combines the data. Use the drop-down list to select an aggregation type from a system-defined list. Options include:
    • SUM
    • COUNT
    Note that COUNT and COUNT-DISTINCT are only applicable for non-numeric fields.

    Choose how this level or measure should be formatted, such as currency, general number, percentage, or date. Use the drop-down arrow to select a format from a system-defined list, or type in the field to enter a custom format. Note that the Format field only displays when the value for the field is a number or a date.

    See Format Field Options for more information on selecting the appropriate format for your report.

    Description The description of the field, if any. This field is always read-only.
    Type The type of field, such as level, time, or measure. This field is always read-only.
    MDX The formula for the level or field as an MDX statement. This field is always read-only.
    Member Properties If a field has a number in parenthesis next to it in the Available Fields list, such as Customer(6), then the dimension has member properties associated with it. When you open the Properties dialog box, you will also see a list of the member properties in addition to other details about the field. This field is always read-only.