Line and area charts

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

Line and area chart visualizations show data on a graph by connecting plotted points with a line. Each point represents a single value in your data. You can drill-down in both chart types by double-clicking on a data point.

A line chart shows just the line connecting the dots on the graph and works well if you have a large amount of data to analyze.
Line chart

An area chart shows an aggregate of your data and helps you spot trends quickly, by showing totals and how they are moving relative to each other.
Area Chart

Table. Optional Properties for Line and Area Charts
Property Definition Available In
Data Labels Use this to label the data features of your report with what is represented. You can also choose to display no data labels, or specify where you want them to appear. Line and Area Charts
Bullet Style Choose the shape that you want to use for your bullets. Line charts
Line Width Specify the width lines on your report. Line charts
Trend Type Shows a trend type of none or linear. If you choose linear, you can name your trend line and set the width of it. Line charts