
Pentaho Data Integration

Part Number

Enter the connection information in the following transformation step options.

Option Description
Salesforce Webservice URL

Specify the URL to the Salesforce Webservice.

The URL specified is dependent on the API version used by PDI:

  • PDI 7.0, 7.1, and 8.0 versions use API version 37.0.
  • PDI 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 versions use API version 41.0.
  • PDI 9.0 and later versions use API version 47.0.
Username Specify the username for authenticating to Salesforce ( for example).
Password Specify the password for authenticating to Salesforce. Enter your password followed by your security token. For example, if your password is PASSWORD and your security token is TOKEN, you would enter PASSWORDTOKEN in this field.
Test connection Click to verify the connection can be made to the Salesforce Webservice URL you specified.