Output tab

Pentaho Data Integration

Part Number

The table in the Output tab provides details of the fields that are read from the binary data and how those fields are placed in the PDI stream as output from the step.
Output tab, Copybook Input step

You can populate the table using either the Get Fields or Get Fields with Parent Groups commands. These commands extract directly from the copybook definition file selected in the Input tab. Use the Get Fields with Parent Groups command if you want to include the higher-level organizational data from the copybook definition file that omits the PICTURE clauses.

To pass the input fields to the PDI output stream, select the Pass through input fields check box. Clear this check box to omit the input fields from the PDI output stream.
Note: This option is only available if you chose either the File defined in a field option or the Data already loaded in a binary field option, located in the Source section of this step's Input tab.

The output table contains the following columns.

Column Description
Name The name of the field in the PDI output stream. You can revise or update this field name as necessary.
Path The fully qualified path to the binary data column in the copybook definition file.
Note: This field cannot be edited. It is controlled by the copybook definition file.
Dest Type The PDI data type of the column mapped from the column definition.
Note: This field cannot be edited. It is controlled by the copybook definition file.
  • X becomes String
  • COMP, COMP-3, and DISPLAY become BigNumber
  • COMP-1 and COMP-2 become Number
  • Parent groups become Binary
Conversion This data type is read from the source data for a given field.
Dest Type
(Default) The field are cast to the PDI type in the Dest Type column.
The column is converted to the Dest Type, then cast into a string.
Hex String
The bytes of the underlying data are converted to a hex string. The output field is a string data type.
The bytes of the underlying data of the column are not converted, but are instead extracted and placed on the stream as a binary type.