Options tab

Pentaho Data Integration

Part Number

Options tab, Job (job entry)

This tab includes the following fields:

Option Description
Run Configuration The job can run in different types of configurations. You can run the transformation locally, on the Pentaho Server, or on a slave (remote) server. To set up run configurations, see Run configurations.
Execute every input row Runs the job once for every input row (looping).
Pass the sub jobs and transformations to the server If you choose a server-based Run Configuration, select to pass the complete job (including referenced sub-jobs and sub-transformations) to the remote server.
Enable monitoring for sub jobs and transformations If you choose a server-based Run Configuration, select to monitor the child jobs and transformations when the job runs.
Wait for remote job to finish If you choose a server-based Run Configuration, select to block the job until the job runs on the server.
Follow local abort to remote job If you choose a server-based Run Configuration, select to send the abort signal remotely.