Examine test results

Pentaho Data Integration

Part Number

Test results appear in the tabs in the bottom half of the Test Data Service window.

When you test or run a data service, there are two transformations that run: a service transformation and a generated transformation. The service transformation is the one that you created. When the transformation runs, PDI generates a second transformation (the generated transformation) based on the executed SQL.

The following table describes what appears in the tabs and possible test tips on how to proceed:

Tab Description Test Tips
Query Results Shows events that occurred during the test run, as well as the query results. Review this tab to ensure that you are getting the correct results. When streaming data, you can observe updates to the data when a new data window is retrieved.
Optimized Queries Displays processing information and the result of optimizations. Optimizations are techniques that can speed processing and help the Pentaho Data Service run more efficiently.

Review this tab for the results of applied optimizations. The results can help you verify that the optimization was applied correctly. Consider using these results along with Service Metrics and Generated Transformation Logging results to see where optimizations are needed, and to assess whether optimizations are helping the transformation to run more efficiently.

This tab shows the starting query as well as the input step queries after push down optimizations have been applied. Several input queries may be displayed in the tab, one for each input step that supports push down.

Service Transformation Logging Shows logs from the service transformation as it runs. Review this tab for problems in the way the transformation is designed or built. If you see errors, review your transformation and any optimizations you might have applied. It is helpful to review the Service Transformation Logging and Generated Transformation Logging tabs together.
Generated Transformation Logging Shows logs from the generated transformation as it runs. Review this tab for problems in the way the PDI transformation was generated. If you find issues, look at Pentaho Data Service SQL support reference and other development considerations to ensure the SQL in the transformation is supported. It is also helpful to review the Service Transformation Logging and Generated Transformation Logging tabs together.
Service Metrics Shows a GANTT chart of the amount of time, in milliseconds it took to run the different parts of the service transformation. Review the contents of this tab to find bottlenecks and to identify candidates for step optimization. Compare the Service Metrics and SQL Trans Metrics tabs to see if the same bottlenecks exist. If different bottlenecks occur, consider refining your transformation to eliminate or reduce them.
SQL Trans Metrics Shows a GANTT chart of the amount of time, in milliseconds it took to run the generated transformation. Review the contents of this tab to find bottlenecks and to identify candidates for step optimization. Compare the Service Metrics and SQL Trans Metrics tabs to see if the same bottlenecks exist. If different bottlenecks occur, consider refining your transformation to eliminate or reduce them.