
Pentaho CTools

Part Number
In Pentaho Data Integration, define a streaming Pentaho Data Service by building a transformation that has a streaming step, such as MQTT Producer or Generate Rows transformation steps. For best results with Generate Rows, activate the option to keep generating rows. Perform the following steps to define a streaming data service:
  1. Open Pentaho Data Integration and connect to the Pentaho Repository.
  2. Create a streaming transformation and Save it to the Repository.
  3. In the transformation's streaming step, right click, select Data Services, then New.
  4. Create a data service with a unique Service Name (for example: streaming_dataservice) and set the Data Service Type to Streaming.
    Note: Each streaming data service in the Pentaho Repository must have a unique name.
  5. Save the transformation again.
The data service you defined is now available for use in CDE as a data source for a dashboard.