Add a selector

Pentaho CTools

Part Number
  1. From the Components list, expand Selects, and then click Select Component.
  2. Customize the selector in the Properties pane.
    1. Name the selector. Click in the Value column for the Name property and type productSelector. Press Tab or Enter.
    2. Select the parameter. Click in the Value column for the Parameter property. On the keyboard, press the down arrow to display a dropdown menu and select productParam, which is the previous parameter you have created.
    3. Set the Value as id to False. Click in the Value column for the Value as id property. On the keyboard, press the down arrow to display a dropdown menu and select False.
    4. Select the data source. Click in the Value column for the Datasource property. On the keyboard, press the down arrow to display a dropdown menu and select selectorQuery.
    5. Select the HTML object. Click in the Value column for the HtmlObject property. On the keyboard, press the down arrow to display a dropdown menu and select selectorObj, which is the placeholder you created in the Layout perspective.