Enter a dashboard title

Pentaho CTools

Part Number
When adding HTML text to a dashboard, the HTML must be added to a column. In this task, we add a column to the top row so we can add the HTML text for the dashboard title.
  1. Select the top row in the mainColumn, and then click the Add Column icon.
    This column will contain the title for the dashboard.
  2. In the Properties pane, click in the Value column for the Name property and type dashboardTitle. Press Tab or Enter.
  3. To center the title in the column, locate the Text Align property and click in the Value column. On the keyboard, press the down arrow to display a dropdown menu and select Center.
  4. Add HTML text for the dashboardTitle. In the Layout Structure pane, click to select the dashboardTitle column, and then on the Layout Structure toolbar, click the Add Html icon.
  5. On the Properties pane, locate the HTML property and click the ellipsis button. An Edit window will display. Type the title of the dashboard using HTML tags, such as <h1>My First Dashboard</h1>, and then click Ok.