Common properties

Pentaho CTools

Part Number

All the listed data sources share the following properties:

Property Description
Name The name of the data source.
Access Level Public or private. Public data sources are available from outside calls, while private data sources can only be called from other data sources, e.g. Compound Queries. The default is Public.
Query The query itself.
Parameters Lists the parameters' name, default value (the default value if the parameter value is not specified when the data access is called) and type (String, Integer, Numeric, Date, StringArray, IntegerArray, NumericArray, and DateArray).
Output Columns Specifies which columns (index) to output and in which order. If not specified, all columns from the query will be returned in the same order as defined in the query.
Output Mode Set the output mode to include or exclude the columns set above. The default is Include.
Columns Names of the columns, in case you want to rename a particular column.
Calculated Columns The columns to be calculated by a given formula. Each calculated column requires two properties: Name (the name that will be output by CDA), and Formula (the column's definition itself). Formulas are written in Open Formula format.
Cache (Optional) Set to cache the results. Set as either True or False. The default is True.
Cache Duration Set the amount of time (in seconds) to keep the results in the cache. The default is 3600.