- Log on to the User Console and navigate to the Browse Files perspective.
- In the Folders pane, click on the Public folder and then, in the Folder Actions pane, click New Folder. Create a solutions folder called demoDashboard.
- Expand the Public folder and click on the newly created demoDashboard folder. In the Folder Actions pane, click New Folder and create a subfolder titled files which will contain the JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files used in this dashboard.
- Open CDE and create a new dashboard titled demoDashboard, and save it in the public > demoDashboard folder you just created.
- From the CDE menu bar, click Settings, and then select the RequireJS Support check box to convert the dashboard to a RequireJS dashboard.
- Click Ok.
A message box appears warning you about possible issues with your custom JavaScript code in your dashboard. Click Ok to proceed. The dashboard is now saved as a RequireJS dashboard.