Step 1: Set up folders in User Console and create the dashboard

Pentaho CTools

Part Number
  1. Log on to the User Console and navigate to the Browse Files perspective.
  2. In the Folders pane, click on the Public folder and then, in the Folder Actions pane, click New Folder. Create a solutions folder called demoDashboard.
  3. Expand the Public folder and click on the newly created demoDashboard folder. In the Folder Actions pane, click New Folder and create a subfolder titled files which will contain the JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files used in this dashboard.
  4. Open CDE and create a new dashboard titled demoDashboard, and save it in the public > demoDashboard folder you just created.
  5. From the CDE menu bar, click Settings, and then select the RequireJS Support check box to convert the dashboard to a RequireJS dashboard.

    Settings dialog box highlighting RequireJS support
  6. Click Ok.
    A message box appears warning you about possible issues with your custom JavaScript code in your dashboard. Click Ok to proceed. The dashboard is now saved as a RequireJS dashboard.