Modify the plugin and settings XML files

Pentaho CTools

Part Number
  1. Log on to the machine on which you will host the Pentaho Server.
  2. Locate the pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-cdf-dd and open the plugin.xml file in a text editor.
  3. Locate the following two commented blocks in this file and remove the comment tags from these blocks.
        <overlay id="launch" resourcebundle="content/pentaho-cdf-dd/lang/messages">
            <button id="launch_new_cde" label="${Launcher.CDE}" command="Home.openFile('${Launcher.CDE}', '${Launcher.CDE_TOOLTIP}', 'api/repos/wcdf/new');$('#btnCreateNew').popover('hide');"/>
        <overlay id="startup.cde_dashboard"  resourcebundle="content/pentaho-cdf-dd/lang/messages" priority="1">
            <menubar id="newmenu">
                <menuitem id="new-cde_dashboard" label="${Launcher.CDE}" command="mantleXulHandler.openUrl('${Launcher.CDE}','${Launcher.CDE_TOOLTIP}','api/repos/wcdf/new')" />
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Locate the pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-cdf-dd and open the settings.xml file in a text editor.
  6. Locate the block at the end of the file, Defining the new-toolbar-button and remove the comments tags from this block.
    <new-toolbar-button>1,New CDE Dashboard,CDE Dashboard,api/repos/wcdf/new</new-toolbar-button>
  7. Save your changes.
  8. Restart the Pentaho Server.